There are MOTHS in my house! Not the kind you find in the pantry when you forget about that pound of old chocolate that got buried behind the cereal boxes (which we had a few months ago). Real, scary, ugly little black closet moths! Wool moths!
Picture this scene: My 10-year-old son is in his room. He yells, "Hey, Mom, there are moths in my room!" I figure, okay, a moth got in through the open front window. I go in to remove it.
"Where?" I ask calmly.
"On the ceiling. And there are these little wormy things on the wall."
wormy things?! I look up. There are maybe 20 little black moths hanging upside down from his ceiling, like tiny bats. And, much more alarming, there are little yellowish
larvae crawling on the walls! Larvae! You know, wool-eaters?
As horrified as I am by this repulsive turn of events, I still have the presence of mind to appreciate the true magnitude of the disaster. My yarn stash is
ten feet from my son's door. Still looking up at this little preview of hell, I reach out and slam the door shut. I'm sure moths (and larvae, too, considering the rate at which the little monsters were inching across the walls) can get past closed doors. But I see no need to make it easier for them.
"Honey?" I yell. "Get the vacuum cleaner!"
Ten minutes later, I have removed all posters, bedding, and pets and vacuumed the entire room--walls, ceiling, floor, furniture. Twenty minutes later, hubby has returned from Home Depot with a bug bomb, which we promptly detonate. Four hours later, the room is airing out, and my son is sleeping in his brother's room. The next day...we have moths. Aaargh!
More things are removed from the room. More vacuuming is performed. Another bug bomb is detonated. The stash (mostly sealed in plastic bags, thank god) has been inspected and double bagged. Four hours later, the room is aired again and re-vacuumed. And the next day?
We have moths!
My son has permanently abandoned his room, which has been declared a bio-hazard zone. The door is sealed. I make hourly moth-and-larvae checks and vacuum up any offenders. What else can I do? What? What?
If anyone has any suggestions, you'll find me quietly sobbing in the stash closet.