Aaaaand they're done! (They really do match, right down to the last row. The picture just makes them look like they ended at different places. I think I was curling my toes.)

The yarn is Supersocke Summer, if I recall correctly. It's a wool/cotton/nylon blend, which my feet like, but my hands don't. It's kind of splitty and doesn't really have the bounce of wool, although it's not terrible.

The shoes (my new favorites) are Born Joey clogs. They're super comfortable, lightweight, and go great with jeans or pants. They also show off handknit socks nicely. I got mine at
theshoemart.com, but they're available all over online.

I don't know how all you sock knitters get decent pictures of your own feet.
Congrats! Your new socks are very pretty, and I love the shoes too.
They look great, and how often do socks turn out exactly the same? Perfect!
Love the colors... very pretty! :)
They look great! Especially with the shoes!
Timer function on the digital camera.
Congratulations on the completion of your very pretty (and identical) socks.
It's a bit of a thrill when you know that you are able to match the sock's yarn patterning all the way down to the toe. Great job!
Sweet socks! I'm jealous of the clogs, too; I have had to give up all but my Merrills b/c I felt a tiny bit wobbly on them. Given my enhanced affinity for gravity in the past year, I couldn't risk it. Yours are so cool!
Your socks are so cute, and I like the shoes too. :-)
They looks the same to me. Great socks!!
Beautiful! Love the socks and shoes!
And I have other people take pictures of my feet when I finish a pair. Otherwise everything looks all distorted and I start to get a complex that my body is extremely weird looking.
Love the socks and the clogs and I also really like OnLine Supersocke yarn. Your post title gave me a jolt and you'll see why when you read my post for today"!
they look great! love the shoes.
Beautiful! I hear you about the difficulty in taking good pictures of knitting!
I sometimes get good shots when I take the pics upside down and then rotate them in my photo editor. Kinda looks like someone else took them... Hope that helps :)
You+Socks=Friends Now?
Thanks for the shoe link!
I just noticed that you and the Yarn Harlot are in tune with identical socks. See her Nov. 30, 2009 post
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