Monday, July 30, 2007


I just got my copy of the latest Vogue Knitting. I was really looking forward to it, because it's the big 25th anniversary issue, and has been pretty hyped as the greatest issue ever. And maybe from a fashion perspective it is. But from a looking-for-great-patterns-to-knit perspective, it was a real letdown for me.

I'm not a fashion maven. The ubiquitous yoga pants and t-shirt ensemble that I wear most days would be a pretty big tip-off, if you could see me. Since you can't, let me just say that my primary consideration in choosing clothing is comfort. I do require that my clothing also fit well and be flattering in cut and color, but beyond that, I'm just not into fashion. I refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes or anything that needs dry-cleaning. I knit because I love it. The final product is just gravy. But if I'm going to spend the money and time to make a hand-knit garment, I also want to be able to wear it. So it must be comfortable and flattering in fit and color.

The patterns in the new issue of Vogue are certainly interesting. There is a sort of retrospective of popular designs over the last 25 years, "updated" for modern-day knitters. I don't know. Personally, I can't see ever wearing the massive poufy sweater on page 134 that looks like a knitted equivalent of those stupid, hugely baggy pants the suspects on "Cops" are always tripping over while trying to run away. Or the "timeless ski sweater" on page 138, that you couldn't possibly ski in. Or the mind-bendingly wild "Diamond Sweater" on page 143 that is easily big enough to use as a sleeping bag for two. They're all interesting, in the same way runway fashions are interesting--as a novelty, but not as clothing. I would never, ever spend time or money actually knitting any of them.

There are some good articles and interesting interviews in this issue. It makes for a decent read. But that's not really why I buy knitting magazines. I have enough--more than enough--reading material in my life. I buy knitting magazines for the patterns and for design inspiration. This one left me completely uninspired. I guess I'll have to wait for the new Interweave Knits.


Lydee said...

Oh, that is a bummer. Your descriptions of some of the outfits were pretty funny though :) ! I especially got a good visual of the "baggy pants" on cops!

Sarah said...

I haven't bought VK for a while for that same reason...the number of things in it I find knitworthy has been steadily dwindling, and if I want good writing about knitting, the blogs provide a more than ample supply!

...Sarah said...

That is too bad. I hate that. As if it isn't bad enough that you have to navigate through endless ads to get to any real content.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fashionista either. Everytime I pick up a Vogue Knitting I am totally discouraged by the designs. But I'm curious now to see the ski sweater.

sophanne said...

I haven't seen yet but will look- probably coming into this big city with the next feta cheese shipment. Is this the issue that No More Sweaters worked on I wonder?

Olga said...

Guess it'll come in handy to swat moths with,eh? I rarely buy any knitting mag, I have a book shelf full of books and mags I just have to knit from, enough to get me through any nuclear winter!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Uberstrickenfrau's suggestion that it might come in handy as a fly/moth swatter. I don't usually buy Vogue Knitting because the designs (while really fun to look at) are just not things I would knit. It sounds like we have simialr "fashion" sensibilities. I'm really looking forward to the fall IK. I want to knit Brooklyn Tweed's Cobblestone Sweater.

Unknown said...

Oh burn! Actually, I agree completely about most of the patterns (and I've seen the things!) but I think the writing content is fantastic- where else do you get all the movers and shakers of "contemporary knitting" in one place? And knowing how much of themselves each editor and contributor put into this issue makes me love it if only because it represents many, many lost hours of sleep.