And there were a few little details I had sort of overlooked, like it helps to actually be licensed in the court where you intend to practice, and--oh, yes--you need to be certified to use that court's electronic filing system (which requires approximately one billion hours of mind-numbing online training--and didn't you know you needed to arrange to take in-person training as well?). Oh, and there is a whole set of new laws that apply to that field, including at least a thousand new regulations relating to client communications and disclosures and if you fail to comply with any one of them in the first three and a half seconds of conversation with a new client, you will go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
So I've been a little...distracted.
This is the sum total of my knitting for the past week:
If anyone is still reading, please allow me to distract you with this.
This is a much better, nipple-free picture of mom and baby (who is now four weeks old). Any of you who have had kids will not hold that look of utter exhaustion against the mom, and will accept that she is really much, much prettier than this picture would indicate.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to curl up in a corner and suck my thumb for a little while.
You forgot to mention that it is a snowy white tube! ;o)
Good luck with all of the forms and stuff.
I think she looks great as is!
Leave the thumb sucking to the baby. It looks like you have enough mind numbing stockinette to work on for a while. Don't you know that's better than therapy?
Really? Because she's pretty damn beautiful as-is, with that amazing glow, and soft eyes, and the motherly hold on that amazingly precious bundle.
OK, so my baby is going away in the fall to far-away school, and I may be a little weak in the face of babies and mommies, but I am pretty sure she looks amazing.
Nice sleeve. Better than I'd be doing with all the other chaos you mentioned. The baby, though - oh my! I wants to hug him and kiss him and cuddle him and...and...oh wait, I don't want any more babies. Nope, nope, not gonna do it! Your friend actually looks mighty good, I think.
You sound busy... so we'll forgive you for not coming to knitting. J/K. Mom and baby look adorable. I love pictures like that.
Love the mom and baby pic, I miss those days. *le sigh*
Hope everything settles down for you. :)
ahhhhhh such a wonderful serene pic of Mom and baby. Thanx for the trip down memory lane...(sweet sigh.)
About the job thing, at least you found a niche that obviously needs to be filled. :o) Sorry about the tumultuous start.
I agree, I think she looks beautiful. Baby too. :)
Good luck with work, I feel pretty much the same way about my job but I didn't just go into a new area. Its ten years of math and metal and calculations.
Knitting sounds good...
She's a supermodel, right? She looks lovely and that lil one is too cute!
I think she looks lovely. That's a kind of tired that has a whole different song to it than, say, jet lag...or been up all night reading comic books...or had one (or six) too many mojitos last night.
Gah. Work crazy. The worst kind. Hang in there.
If they let you take in knitting needles you could get in a lot of knitting time while in jail.
I thought she looked really good before you said she looked tired!
Your friend looks pretty! Tired, but pretty. Cute baby too. Good luck with the new practice area!
wow. Bummer you have to put knitting on the back burner. hopefully this will get behind you and you can back to your 'real' life( knitting)
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