[ETA: If you want to sign a petition calling for reform at the so-called shelter that perpetrated this outrage, click here.]
First, I want to thank you all for your righteous anger, your words of encouragement, your advice, and your good thoughts and prayers for mama and her puppies. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to tell you that they are all doing extremely well!
Mama (whom my brother-in-law has named "Heidi"--and yes, we are going to convince him to adopt her) is now nursing the puppies entirely on her own! This is good for so many reasons, I can't name them all. Obviously, it makes my job a lot easier. The biggest part of the job now is just keeping things clean. That requires a startling amount of newspaper, and we're running low fast. (If you're local and have some I can come pick up, drop me a note.)
It also requires a lot of towels. Fortunately, those I have. I also have a super-sized washing machine, and it is definitely getting a workout.
And this morning, we upped the ante by giving the puppies their first baths! This was so cute that I got a cramp in my heart. Of course, I took pictures so that you can all share in the adorableness. Without further ado, let the fun begin!
First Manicure
Getting behind the ears
Soggy doggy
Warm and fluffy
All clean!
Shy girl
Queen of the litter
Getting behind the ears
Soggy doggy
Warm and fluffy
All clean!
Shy girl
Queen of the litter
I'm so glad to hear they are doing well! And they are soooooo cute!
If I were in San Diego I would buy out the newsstands and deliver them myself. I would also come home with a puppy in about 6 weeks!
I didn't have enough gurgly cute sounds for the whole post. I'll have to look back later when I have more stamina
Oh my gosh....puppy cuteness overdose! I WANT one!~ :-( Darn it, why do MI and CA have to be so far apart? The little grey and black dappled one is calling my name....sniff....
Mama and babies look SO much better! You're doing a great job with them!
Adorable! I'm glad I'm this far away, otherwise I might be tempted to that little shy girl...
AWWWWWWWWWW too cute for words!!!!!!
I have a smile a mile wide!!!!!
Ohhhh how cute!!! They are adorable. Poor Heidi looks like a tired mama!
Aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww...how sweet! I'm glad to see they are doing well!
Awww, they're so adorable! Good to hear that they're finally doing better. :-)
You are an angel, and your puppy-bathing friends are angels also.
Letters, petitions sent and signed.
Did I mention that you are an angel?
Wish I could do more. Thank you, and continue to let us know what we can do to help.
I thought I was in love with the Queen of the Litter. I have changed my mind. I think I love the Shy Girl. How many miles are there between Portland and San Diego? And would a puppy be noticeable if mixed in with the yarn?
She's got a collar tag - do you know who owned her?!
Now I am crying with happiness that Heidi seems to be on the mend and that the puppies are doing well too. First bath, so sweet. The horror detailed in that petitionhurts my brain so badly. Holy shit. I signed the petition and also e-mailed the board.
Thank you for all the hard work you're doing. They're all so cute--and happy looking and CLEAN, thanks to you! Bless you!
Awwwww. They are cute and clean and adorable. Especially Heidi.
This is such a great thing you're doing! I wish I lived close enough to come adopt one of those adorable pups...
Oh, I just loved those pictures! What adorable little puppies!
You are a saint. :)
I was just reading the whole saga. Wow. I'm absolutely speechless.
May I have Dopple?
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