And, so that I can spread a little more good cheer, this seems a good time to share this, as well:

The best part is I now get to pass it on to eight other bloggers. This is my favorite part of awards, but also really difficult, since I read and love so many blogs and I have a tough time picking and choosing among them.
This time around, I'm naming:
FibraArtysta, who (in addition to knitting) does amazing art quilts and has an ongoing photo essay called "Where I Stand Sunday", which I really enjoy;
The Fairy Godknitter, who not only knits unbelievably beautiful lace, but knits lace shawls faster than I could do a chunky washcloth;
The A.D.D. Knitter, whose stash is a work of art in itself, and whose dry sense of humor cracks me up on a regular basis;
Beckyknitstoo, who instituted "Crack Me Up Saturday" and who recently posted a picture of herself wearing an orange slice tea cozy on her head, which is so deliciously wrong on so many levels that I think it may be an act of knitterly genius;
Rosemary-Go-Round, lace knitter and jewelry designer extraordinaire, who has managed to magically combine both passions to create a new and gorgeous art form;
Sheepish Annie, whose zombie-attack preparedness should be a lesson to us all, and whose writing about the kids she teaches makes me laugh every day;
Green Apples, who regulary takes patterns I didn't look at twice and turns out sweaters so beautiful it defies logic, and whose careful swatching and excellent yarn and book reviews have saved me much time and trouble many times over;
And Knitman, even though I don't think he's into the whole blogging awards thing, because he knits beautiful socks and sweaters and always makes me think about bigger issues (and because he breeds and shows the most gorgeous dogs).
The rules:
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 8 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
Go forth and spread the love!